Saturday, October 17, 2015

So, I got out on the 14th, they were not real happy about it. Word spread fast that I was being released and it felt like half the ICU nurses came down to say farewell, it was nice. I exchanged numbers with a few and am making plans, although most plans are with one church or another, I've become strangely  okay with that.
    I am still sick as hell, and in constant pain that I can do nothing about, but no one said dieing was easy or comfortable. It would help if I wasn't over working myself everyday, but I have too much to do. I really am completely overwhelmed right now, and will be for like the next month. Then I'm sure I'll catch the flu or phnumonia and be down for a month, likely land my ass back  in the hospital.

The coloring book Taureen got me

Where they removed my PICC line. Damn thing was 5 feet long inside of me!!!

Packed and ready to roll.

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