Monday, October 19, 2015

   So, I had ANOTHER paracentesis <~click for info I beat my previous record of 3.7 liters, they removed 5.7 liters, that is equal to the amount of blood in my body. I am not a big fan of having this done as outpatient. I mean, I guess it was cool that I was only there for 4 hours, but they would not give me any pain meds. It was like hey let me literally stab you with this ENORMOUS needle in your gut, toss you in a comfy chair with a fancy blowdryer to warm up. Take your blood pressure twice, make you drink some juice, and goodbye. You better get home before the novocaine wears off. So, I can breathe, and my heart is not struggling to beat, but not being healed from the other 3 times I've been stabbed, 3 on one side and once on the other, I am in SO much pain. I have a really high pain tolerance, and I am freakin scared to move. Not to mention the very odd sensation of feeling my organs and guts go back to their original locations after being displaced by 10lbs of fluid. Oh, and the delightful knowledge that I am doing my best to be in denial about, is that I am going to have to do this every week. But on the bright side, it appears that my platelet count has doubled in the last 9 days. I cant give an exact count, because apparently my blood has decided it no longer cares about the anti-coagulate stuff they put in the sample tubes, so it clotted. The lab guy came down and explained that my platelets are at least 35K but likely a bit higher, so thats cool. Well, I took some pics, but I should explain, yes I said 5.7 liters and there are only 5 bottles on the table, they over fill them, so they go by the measurement line on each bottle not by the overall capacity of the bottle.

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