Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Power Picc

      Because I needed blood transfusions, PPF (fresh frozen plasma), saline fluids and clotting meds all at the same time I had 4 IVs. I don't have a good pic of that, it is very hard to take pics when you have those many tubes in your arms, not to mention the BP (blood pressure) cuff, the chest monitor stickers,  the blood oxygen finger thing, and the oxygen tubes in my nose. It was rough, it helped that I didn't move until the day after, not even to use the restroom, I was too sick.

It's hard to see, but there are 2VIs and blood ox all on one arm.
This was just the tree on the left of me. They both looked about the same.
Because of all the chaos, and later the fact that they knew I was not going to be leaving anytime soon they decided to instill a PICC Line. It was all kinds of fun.
All procedures are more fun when your blood doesn't clot. 

                                             And I will call them thing one and thing two.

Then there were three

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