Tuesday, January 4, 2011

First, let me explain, I know how people tend to feel about rats. But having worked in pet stores for so much of my life I know that there is a particular breed of rat that has the personality of a fat cat. It is called a Dumbo rat, because they have very large ears. The males are very prone to becoming fat puddles of cuddliness. So, today I was on the hunt for 2 young male Dumbo rats as Payton's first pets....this did not work out as planed. I ended up with 2 female Dumbo rats and 1 male Dumbo mutt that consists of 2 other breeds of rat, hairless and Rex. So, basically he has sparse peach-fuzz hair and curly whiskers and huge ears...I think that he is SUPER cute but then again I am often called strange. He is the blurry thing in the center of the picture. Ultimately, in about 20 days assuming that the girls were not already pregnant, I will be the proud owner of about 20 rats. I will pick the cutest males and will get rid of the rest.

Payton thinks they are super cool, but explaining that his fingers look like peanuts and the rats want to eat them if he puts them through the bars is kinda difficult.  I really wanted to let him hold them but they were very distracted with their new found love lives. I fed them some Cheerios and Payton insisted on eating Cheerios with them, so we all had Cheerios for lunch...kinda cute.

Oh, and for those of you still questioning my choice for first pet, let me add that yes a guinea pig might have been a better choice, but I am allergic to them, that and they are twice as stinky and messy. And hamsters are evil and gerbils are super fast. His next pet will be a bearded dragon, in a few years.

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